This anime is a comedic fantasy story that follows the adventures of a young man who is granted immortality. Despite his newfound powers, he must navigate the challenges of everyday life and deal with the absurd situations that arise as a result of his immortality.
This anime tells us about a boy who was a genius from an early age and had God like powers,but he didn’t like his extraordinary powers and wanted to get rid of it,so that he can live a low-key life but as much as he tried he wasn’t able to get rid of his powers, so he just hides it from the rest of the world to look normal,he avoids contacts and connections with others just to hide his powers but as the time passes his powers became very difficult to hide,even though he had made some good friends who genuinely cared for him and he fell in love with the girl eventually however he tried to save her in every possible way and after change the reality in order to be with her but when the girl gets to know this, she declines any help and they get separated and started living in parallel words, but fate had other plans.