Say “I Love You.”
This romantic drama anime follows the story of a high school student named Mei who has never been in love and has a reputation for being cold and distant. However, when a popular boy named Yamato confesses his love to her, Mei’s life takes a dramatic turn. The two embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth as they navigate the ups and downs of first love.
this anime tells us about a female student who was wrongfully accused by her friend of a crime that she didn’t commit, this lead her to believe that ‘friends will only let her down’ that’s why she stopped interacting with all her classmates, time went on and she started to go to high school that’s where her life changed when she encountered the popular male student, he found her intriguing and insisted that she befriends him , even though she tries her best to ignore him, but due to an unfortunate event he ends up kissing her , due to this event she starts developing feelings for him when they both discover that their feelings are mutual , they decide to start dating ,however, she finds out that the lifestyle of her boyfriend was very difficult for her and she tries her best to integrate herself in his lifestyle, and slowly but surely they both start to understand the meaning of the three most important words in the world “I love you”.