This anime is set in a future society where the government assigns life partners to individuals based on their potential compatibility. The main character, Yukari Nejima, falls in love with his assigned partner, Misaki Tazaki, but soon discovers that love and compatibility don’t always go hand-in-hand.
This anime starts in a futuristic society, were in japan to combat increasingly low birthrates and to encourage successful marriages, the government had introduced a complex system known as “The Red Threads of Science”.In this system, young people at the age of 16 are assigned marriage partners by the government, with severe harsh punishment awaiting those who disobey the arrangement. For a boy, who was considered himself average by all means, this was his best shot to live a fulfilling life.however, spurred by his love for his classmate and long-time crush,the boy defies the system and confesses his love, to his surprise, his crush also has feelings for him, but before they could take their relationship any further, the boy gets a marriage notice, and the story goes on.